Dubai Airport
Airport Pharmacies - open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Terminal 1,
C Concourse,
DDF Chemist & Dispensary. Near gate C22, Tel +9714-2164465
Terminal 2,
DDF Chemist & Dispensary, near escalator, perfume store and gates F5/6. Tel +9714 504-2604
Terminal 3,
A Concourse,
DDF Chemist & Dispensary. Near gate A10, Tel +9714 505-3348
DDF Chemist & Dispensary. Near gate A14, Tel +9714 505-3398
Terminal 3,
B Concourse,
DDF Chemist & Dispensary. Near gate B17, (opposite Emirates Official Store). Tel +9714-5053057
DDF Chemist & Dispensary. Near gate B12, Tel +9714-5053034
Public Shop, DDF Chemist & Dispensary PS12, Landside Departures, Tel +9714 - 5042011
Abu Dhabi Airport
Airport Pharmacies
Terminal 3
DDF Chemist & Dispensary, 4th Floor / Skypark Plaza, Before Passport Control, Tel: +971 2 5998915
Imported and Distributed into the UAE by:
Modern Pharmaceutical Company
PO Box 1586, Dubai, UAE
Tel +9714 383-4444 and fax +9714 357-2255
Brand Manager: Abdalla M. Taher
Email for Information